What is Sustainability, Really? | A Biblical Perspective

In this episode I answer some of my most asked questions in hopes that you can get to know me a little better! We talk faith, marriage, college, mental health, veganism and more. See this episode's show notes here: www.calicoandtwine.com/podcast/episode-3 Contact me here: harvestworkpodcast@gmail.com

In this episode I talk about sustainability from a biblical perspective, more specifically how our efforts and reasoning as Believers should look different than those of the world.

Why should Christians care?

There’s many out there that have the mindset of “God’s going to destroy the earth anyways, so why do we have to care for it?” and my answer to that is, God doesn't want to destroy the earth. He is going to destroy the evil and wickedness of the earth so we can live in the perfect harmony on the new earth that is Jesus’ kingdom. And we are called to be good stewards of what He’s given us until then. Yes creation is here for us to use to our benefit, but not for us to abuse

"The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it, the world and those who dwell in it," (Psalm 24:1)

“And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” (Genesis 1:28 )

We know how the world will end- and it’s not the climate crisis

Then we’ve got people on the other side of the aisle that are telling us that we are all going to die if we don’t take the climate crisis seriously. However, as believers we know how the world is going to end because it’s written out for us in the Bible. What a Good Good God we have! There is no mystery. There is no fear. There is no wondering. There is no anxious toil. Because His plans are known to us. Our biggest threat is not drought or hurricane or the sun burning out, our biggest threat is sin that keeps us from Christ. 

“The nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, and for rewarding your servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth.” (Revelation 11:18 )

The CLimate Crisis is fear mongering

The sustainability movement seems to be operating more fervently from this idea of a climate crisis which we are hearing about constantly from the media these days.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret—the climate crisis is just fear mongering. 

The climate crisis has been going around for decades now. They just keep recycling it with someone new. In the 90’s it was Al Gore and now we have Greta Thunberg and tomorrow it will probably be someone new. Climate change is really not a new concept. The climate has been changing ever since creation. It’s just a part of God’s design, a natural part of the environment, and it will continue to change until the end of time. 

Looking at today’s world and looking at the scriptures about the end times and the last days—the climate is the least of our threats today. I am far more concerned about the wickedness and satanic influence that is heavily infiltrating our mainstream culture. Like I said before, we know how the world is going to end. We know how people are going to be deceived. Don’t think for a second that the climate crisis is not going to be a huge part of gaining control and keeping us dependent on the government, and eventually accepting the antichrist.

Climate change and the climate crisis is not an imminent danger. If you are a believer and you are believing the lie that there is a climate crisis, then you are valuing and believing a political parties’ word over God’s word. 

The left’s version of “caring about the earth” is not actually caring about the earth. We see this through their ridiculous proposals like the Green New Deal and Agenda 21 which are complete nightmares. It’s clear that it’s not at all about “saving the planet”, it’s about having more control over us.

We cannot value nature or animals over humans. And this is coming from the mouth of someone who doesn’t eat meat because I care about animals! But I would never care about animals more than I care about humans. I would never choose environmental protection of a fish over a farmer’s livelihood. There are third world countries where they are entirely dependent on animal products to survive and I do not think that is wrong. I would never say that they should starve so the animals can live. 

Humans are the only part of creation made in the image of God and we are more valuable than any other part of creation. That doesn’t mean that animals and trees have no value— they have immense—but it means that God’s image bearers are the most important.

What Should Sustainability Look Like as Christians?

Simply put— as Christians, we care about the earth and the animals because we are to be stewards of creation and recognize that it’s God’s, not because we think it’s going to blow up in a couple years.

A true sustainable lifestyle is aligned with the ways of Jesus and getting back to the roots of intentional and connected lifestyle. A lifestyle that He modeled for us! Using less plastic and creating less waste is not the end all be all. it is simply the result of this kind of lifestyle.

For example, by eating locally and seasonally, you get the opportunity to form a real connection with the farmers, you get to see the face and the humanity of the person who grew your food. You’re supporting a small farmer directly rather than a large corporation and in that, valuing the importance of community and family. In that you are nourishing your family and treating your bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit by choosing healthy God-made food rather than toxic man-made food. In turn, and as an unavoidable result, you create less carbon emissions and less plastic waste when your food comes directly from the farm to your table.

It’s a beautiful full circle.

Sustainable living is not something that is rooted in fear. It is not something that we are threatened into. It’s something that grows out of our call to be good stewards of this earth.

The government won’t do it for you

If you care about the earth and if you care about the animals, then get out there and do something about it! Stop waiting around for the government to do it for you! Stop counting on the political party that refuses to even recognize the intrinsic value of human beings made in the image of God, to actually care about His creation in a way that honors Him. Because they don’t and they never will! They care about control. They want to worship the creation not the creator.

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.” (Romans 1:18-25) 

Earthly or Eternal Mindset

As with anything we can either have an eternal mindset or an earthly mindset. We can be sitting here thinking “oh my goodness I can’t use a plastic straw because it’s going to get stuck in a turtle’s nose or because I won’t fit into the new “woke” zero waste aesthetic!”

Or we can focus on God and say “okay, this is God’s creation, it’s not ours, and it’s just on loan to us. So how can I steward the gift of creation in a way that is glorifying and honoring to God? And if the answer to that question is not using a plastic straw because it could cause suffering to an animal or pollute the land, the soil, the air, the water which in turn will cause harm to humans, then by all means, we should reduce our use of plastic straws!

You see, it’s the same effort, done differently—one will result in earthly worldly toil that will never ever be sufficient, it will never be enough, it will never fix the environment but the other has eternal value and one day we will be able to hear Jesus say— you know what, good job, thank you for taking your call to stewardship seriously when everyone else chose connivence.

Things you can do that are more important than not using straws

I could go deeper into convenience culture (and I will in the future) and how i think it’s sucking our souls and is going to play a huge part in the end times and dependance on the government and how we all need to learn how to grow our own food again, but I’m gonna keep this short and instead give you 6 things that you can do that glorify God, steward His creation well, and nourish your body and soul far deeper than convenience culture ever will. These 6 things are inexplicably more effective than not using plastic straws or bringing reusable bags to the grocery store—all great things, all things that I do myself—but they’re just not endgame when it comes to living a true sustainable life. 

  1. Eat seasonally

    Eating seasonally is not something our culture is familiar with. We can buy strawberries or corn on the cob at the grocery store in the middle of winter. But things haven’t always been that way. I believe that eating seasonally is something that so desperately needs to be brought back into the rhythm of our lives. Our disconnect from the food system is leading to a lack of nutrition and a reliance on convenience. It’s time to get back to the roots of local and sustainable eating, connecting with our food and its sources. I have found eating seasonally to be the best way to do this. It’s actually easy, healthier, cheaper, and more sustainable. Eating seasonally allows for more nutrients in our food and our bodies to have the correct vitamins it needs in each season. Please see the resources below for my Guides to Eating Seasonally in all 4 Seasons.

  2. Eat ethical and local animal products

    I was going to add in my thoughts about the animal industry in this episode but I realized I want to give that it’s own episode in the future so hang tight for that! But let me say briefly that while I don’t eat meat or dairy myself, I don’t think eating meat is wrong. What I do think is wrong is our mass consumption of it and purchasing meat from large industries that use factory farms and cruel slaughterhouses. I think one of the most important things you can do is find a small, local, organic farmer that actually cares about the physical and emotional wellbeing of their animals, they recognize the responsibility and solemn act of butchering animals, and they use sustainable practices. Not only is this better for the animals but better for your health and the planet as well. Again, stay tuned for a more in-depth discussion on this.

  3. Grow your own food

    Convenience culture has removed us from the source of our food. We often just assume that it appears on our grocery store shelves without even thinking of the labor and hard work that it took for it to get there, often done by underpaid famers. Many of us have no idea how to grow our own food. I believe getting back to the roots of growing our own food is an invaluable skill and is absolutely necessary in times such as these. Why, you ask? Well, in the last days many who choose to follow Christ and eventually deny the mark of the beast will lose their rights including access to stores and food. Whether that happens in this generation or a future one (we are closer than ever), we must prepare ourselves and our children to know how to do so. We are only a few generations removed from knowing how to work the land to sustain ourselves and I don’t think it’s too late to learn again. Not to mention how much cheaper, fresher, and healthier it is to grow your own food. 

  4. Cook at home

    This one is HUGE! I grew up in a family where going out to eat was a treat, but i know that’s not the same for everyone. Many go out to eat every week or even every day. One of the best things you can do is learn how to cook your own meals. For reasons mentioned above and for the reason that it’s much cheaper and healthier for you, and greatly reduces waste. Cooking is also an invaluable skill that I believe everyone should reconnect with. 

  5. Compost and eat leftovers

    Doing these two things reduces food waste immensely! Did you know that by the time we fall asleep tonight another ten thousand people will have died of starvation? We are extremely blessed to be living in a country and time of such abundance. Wastefulness should have no place in our lives. Composting is a wonderful way to reduce food scraps, and eating leftovers rather than throwing away extra food creates a) an extra meal and b) less waste. 

  6. Cut out chemicals

    The chemical warfare is real and it’s not a conspiracy. The sustainable living movement is urging you to avoid plastic and say no to straws but are still taking part in things like diet coke and chemical filled products. Yes taking care of the earth is important but our bodies are immensely more important to take care of. While our bodies are temples of the holy spirit, and the earth is not. The plus side is, when you choose products that are healthier for you, you’re choosing products that are better for the environment as well. It’s a win-win. Big name brands will always and forever care about one thing—profit. No one likes to be told to throw away their pumpkin spice candles, but if you only listen to one thing that I say, please let it be this. Chemicals are wreaking havoc not only on our planet but our families as well. Childhood cancer is on the rise, hormone imbalances and infertility are sky-rocketing, not-so coincidentally as our home and body products become increasingly more toxic. Please consider ditching the toxins and adopting an all natural home. I have been urging the importance of this for years, and doing this in my own life is actually what freed me from debilitating depression and anxiety. Going all natural cured my darkness. Plastic is not the only pollutant. Chemicals are often ignored in this movement but it needs to be known that they play a huge role in the destroying of not only our earth but our bodies as well. I have many blog posts about natural alternatives and I plan to continue sharing more.

Be Faithful in Little

Let us set ourselves apart—in what we eat. In what we wear. In what we buy. In how we talk. In how we move.

"The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and care for it." (Genesis 2:15)

You may not be a farmer or have room to grow a garden or be able to afford buying everything in bulk, but let me share this— in Luke 16:10 Jesus tells us “One who is faithful in very little is also faithful in much.” So let that be my encouragement to you—be faithful in the little that you have. Be faithful in the opportunities you have to make different choices, no matter how small they may be. Don’t ever let anyone or any trendy movement make you feel like your efforts are not enough. God sees and knows your heart and your desire to glorify Him in every area of your life. Let that shine through and set you apart.

Further Resources

What the Green New Deal Really Is (start at 22:00)

What Agenda 21 Really Is

Eating Seasonally in Winter

Eating Seasonally in Spring

Eating Seasonally in Summer

Eating Seasonally in Autumn

The Importance of Supporting Your Local Farmer

Composting Basics

Dr. Axe (for all things Natural home + body)

Wellness Mama (for all things Natural home + body)



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